Tuesday, 17 June 2008

My new home down South

my name is Millie. I am 2 years old and I have just moved from Hull to Surrey. It has been a fun but confusing time for me recently. I used to live in greyhound racing kennels but I wasn't good enough at running. Somehow all those other doggies used to know that the hare was coming, don't know how they did it. Must be something to do with the fact that I am 'deaf', whatever that means.


jill said...

We are the ex owners of Milly and would like to thank you for giving her such a loving home.We shall caryon reading her blog as we cant wait to find out what adventures she gets up to. Regards Jill and Mark

ali said...

Hi Jill,
She is such a sweetheart. The kids love her already.

Sharon Rawdon said...

Hi Ali,
We also were very lucky to be allowed to invite two of David and Jays greyhounds into our home and what marvellous pets they make. It is wonderfull to see millie settled, she has obviously claimed her humans!