Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Don't know what all the fuss was about

I meant to say that I am feeling as good as new now after the op. Didn't keep me down for long. 10 day check up at the vets before mum went on holiday - no problems at all. Didn't need that silly buster collar - I haven't chewed myself at all - why bother when I have got a wicker bed and all these other things. Mind you, with this chilly weather I could do with my tummy fur growing back a bit quicker - we had snow last week.

Grandma came to stay

Well everyone went away and left me. Grandma came round and I had to make quite sure she didn't get lost so I kept my eye on her. I did my usual destroying things - mostly cardboard and some post but Grandma worried a bit too much even though mum told her not to. But eventually everyone came home and everything is back to normal here.

Squirrels everywhere

Had a very exciting walk today and saw 3 squirrels in a row. Even Ollie went mad - he doesn't bother too much with rabbits.