Sunday, 10 August 2008

My friend Muffin

We are quite good friends now and love to do early and late evening rumbles through the house. She gets bored before me and then tells me off. These grown ups just can't take the pace.

I heard a noise!

But I didn't like it! Dad had his air compressor out and it made my head feel funny so I ran away. So 95dB is what it takes.

More on toys

Everything is a toy but sometimes I get told off for playing with them. Mum says I help her keep the place tidy now which is nice but she also moans that I make a mess.


Today I had great fun with a toy (and it was a toy according to mum too). She threw it and I brought it back 3 times then I ran away with it as my prize. Can't remember where I left it though.


Yesterday was so exciting - we had a huge bone each and I wore my jaws out until bedtime.

My first shower

Well I had a good old run in the garden and then a good old roll and then came indoors.
For some reason everyone ran away then I was put back in the garden, then when I came in mum lifted me into the shower and gave me a nice wash down. I was very scared when she tried to get me in and managed to stick my feet in the way. Then the door was shut and I had a cuddle from mum so it was ok. I wouldn't really recommend showers and don't want another one.

Monday, 4 August 2008

The honeymoon is over..

What does mum mean by that? I haven't found any honey anywhere yet. I have been very busy though. Mostly chewing or moving things. I have found out that everything is there for my enjoyment. Phones, cardboard, clothes, wooden things, you name it. I have had lots of fun running around with Muffy but she is still a grump. Last night mum had to sleep on a camp bed because I wet her bed, so today I have been in and out of the garden every hour and if I do a wee I get a treat. It's back to basics she says. I tried to cheer her up by picking up my food bowl and emptying the lot on the conservatory floor but she didn't see the funny side. And I helped unpack a box and so many other things. Well I must go and get some sleep - all this mischief is tiring me out.