Sunday, 20 July 2008

Nice to know

It is lovely to know my old friends are thinking about me.

I can do a trick!

I've been getting lots of treats but it is getting much harder. At first I just had to look at mum and hey presto a treat. Then I did a play bow and now I have to actually lie down. Mum says I need a proper sign and not just seeing a treat but I can tell she is very pleased with me.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Been out running

Well when mum finally figured out how to get our harnesses on, we tried out a new game. Instead of me and Muffy having to wait for old slow coach mum, she went a little bit faster than usual - she called it running but I ask you..... Well we ran nearly half a mile to the park and then walked round and walked home. Muffy is a lurcher so she was fine but I was a bit tired doing all that walking, not used to it. I'm sure I will get used to it. Of course old Ollie didn't even come with us, he gets puffed on the normal walk.
Must get back to sleep now...

Monday, 7 July 2008

Forgot to say

Also I don't pull when there aren't any rabbits, which seems obvious to me but mum was surprised that I was so well behaved between Tesco's car park and the vets.

Been to the vets

We were going to have a lovely long walk, just me and mum to the vet but we drove because the weather was so bad. I was very good in the car. I didn't like getting weighed much and wouldn't get on the scales but mum lifted me up so that was ok. I was 28 kilos which must mean I am all muscle because I don't look that big. The nice vet lady was ok until she poked my back - how that stops me getting lost I don't know. Saw lots of little dogs and 2 proper sized dogs. The little ones were quite funny, mostly jack russells and spaniels but some funny things in boxes were chihuahuas (mum said they were the noisiest). Met a grumpy male greyhound but he seemed to quite like me luckily because mum insisted on saying hello. Apparently I am going back sometime to have an operation - I hope they taste nice. I am a nice surprise because I don't hop out of the car when the back door is opened. Well I had got comfy. Well lots of sleeping to do now.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Why are some days different?

We got up a bit late today and then later everyone went out. Of course I'd been out a couple of times but how was I to know that I was meant to go. They came back but how was I to know when they would, I just needed to go... I thought I was getting the hang of this as well. Why isn't every day the same?

Thursday, 3 July 2008


Well today we went out in the car to visit a man called a dog trainer but he wasn't going to teach me to race. I was assessed and although he was very nice he thought I needed a bit of work before I joined the class. I could have private lessons but they cost a lot of money so mum is going to have to start on her own. She shows me the treats then waits until I look at her then she gives me a treat. Silly game but I do get treats out of it.
Almost forgot to say that I was very good in the car.