Monday, 22 December 2008

I've been a busy girl......

I have been having such fun. I sneaked into the living room when mum's back was turned and the door wasn't quite shut and found my new toys. Well they have been taken away so maybe they were meant for Christmas. 3 rolls of paper I managed to get out of the bag and had a good old chew on each before I was found. The door is locked now with a key. Apparently it will be decorated some time when all the plastering is finished.
I'm still helping with the recycling - when I can I shred the cardboard to help and yesterday I found a bag full of milk bottles and had such good fun. I thought mum might be a bit cross at the mess but she was quite pleased I played with those toys today and not anything else.
There was a huge lot of shopping delivered at the weekend and I am looking forward to sharing that.
We've got some nice new beds - the others curl up nicely but I must have a good stretch so they are getting a bit squashed.
It is the school holidays so I have to get mum up because she forgets for some reason.
Sorry I have not been writing much recently, hope you weren't worried.
Milly xxxx

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Don't know what all the fuss was about

I meant to say that I am feeling as good as new now after the op. Didn't keep me down for long. 10 day check up at the vets before mum went on holiday - no problems at all. Didn't need that silly buster collar - I haven't chewed myself at all - why bother when I have got a wicker bed and all these other things. Mind you, with this chilly weather I could do with my tummy fur growing back a bit quicker - we had snow last week.

Grandma came to stay

Well everyone went away and left me. Grandma came round and I had to make quite sure she didn't get lost so I kept my eye on her. I did my usual destroying things - mostly cardboard and some post but Grandma worried a bit too much even though mum told her not to. But eventually everyone came home and everything is back to normal here.

Squirrels everywhere

Had a very exciting walk today and saw 3 squirrels in a row. Even Ollie went mad - he doesn't bother too much with rabbits.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Feeling better today

Well, what a day that was yesterday. When I was asleep everything went all funny. For a while I had a funny collar on but I just couldn't get to sleep with it on so it is gone now. Mum tried to take my plaster off today but I figured out it hurt however gently so I scream if she touches it now. Hanging by just one end. Now I can't have puppies which is a good thing because I need all the attention I can get. I tried to get Muffy to play this afternoon but mum told her off so she wouldn't - what is going on there?
Should be fine from now on but still feel a bit under the weather.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Off to the vets

Today I am going to the vets which was ok last time I went to get a chip but today I am going to stay in without mum so I don't think I'll like that. Will let you all know how I get on later.
Millie xxxxx

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Term time again

Alex and Josie have gone off to school every day this week. Been a bit quiet without all my usual fuss. I was a bit naughty while mum was at the gym today but it was on its way to the charity shop anyway... Mostly though I have been very good - no more 'accidents' in the kitchen or garage.
I just love cardboard though and I find it all sorts of places. So far I haven't discovered the 'p.o.s.t.' so mum is quite pleased about that. I have been playing lots with my toys and sometimes me and Muffy play tug of war. She plays rough but I love playing so much that I don't care. Last nigth I was allowed to sleep on my own downstairs and I was still well behaved. I have decided that on the comfy bed next to the radiator is the best place to be. I have worked out who my people are now so I am a bit wary about other people but if people are careful and kind I still give them licks. I am well behaved with other dogs - today we met a white fluffy dog and I knew it was a dog and didn't try to eat it , unlike Ollie who thinks they are rabbits.
Well I really am settling in here now.
love Millie

Sunday, 10 August 2008

My friend Muffin

We are quite good friends now and love to do early and late evening rumbles through the house. She gets bored before me and then tells me off. These grown ups just can't take the pace.

I heard a noise!

But I didn't like it! Dad had his air compressor out and it made my head feel funny so I ran away. So 95dB is what it takes.

More on toys

Everything is a toy but sometimes I get told off for playing with them. Mum says I help her keep the place tidy now which is nice but she also moans that I make a mess.


Today I had great fun with a toy (and it was a toy according to mum too). She threw it and I brought it back 3 times then I ran away with it as my prize. Can't remember where I left it though.


Yesterday was so exciting - we had a huge bone each and I wore my jaws out until bedtime.

My first shower

Well I had a good old run in the garden and then a good old roll and then came indoors.
For some reason everyone ran away then I was put back in the garden, then when I came in mum lifted me into the shower and gave me a nice wash down. I was very scared when she tried to get me in and managed to stick my feet in the way. Then the door was shut and I had a cuddle from mum so it was ok. I wouldn't really recommend showers and don't want another one.

Monday, 4 August 2008

The honeymoon is over..

What does mum mean by that? I haven't found any honey anywhere yet. I have been very busy though. Mostly chewing or moving things. I have found out that everything is there for my enjoyment. Phones, cardboard, clothes, wooden things, you name it. I have had lots of fun running around with Muffy but she is still a grump. Last night mum had to sleep on a camp bed because I wet her bed, so today I have been in and out of the garden every hour and if I do a wee I get a treat. It's back to basics she says. I tried to cheer her up by picking up my food bowl and emptying the lot on the conservatory floor but she didn't see the funny side. And I helped unpack a box and so many other things. Well I must go and get some sleep - all this mischief is tiring me out.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Nice to know

It is lovely to know my old friends are thinking about me.

I can do a trick!

I've been getting lots of treats but it is getting much harder. At first I just had to look at mum and hey presto a treat. Then I did a play bow and now I have to actually lie down. Mum says I need a proper sign and not just seeing a treat but I can tell she is very pleased with me.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Been out running

Well when mum finally figured out how to get our harnesses on, we tried out a new game. Instead of me and Muffy having to wait for old slow coach mum, she went a little bit faster than usual - she called it running but I ask you..... Well we ran nearly half a mile to the park and then walked round and walked home. Muffy is a lurcher so she was fine but I was a bit tired doing all that walking, not used to it. I'm sure I will get used to it. Of course old Ollie didn't even come with us, he gets puffed on the normal walk.
Must get back to sleep now...

Monday, 7 July 2008

Forgot to say

Also I don't pull when there aren't any rabbits, which seems obvious to me but mum was surprised that I was so well behaved between Tesco's car park and the vets.

Been to the vets

We were going to have a lovely long walk, just me and mum to the vet but we drove because the weather was so bad. I was very good in the car. I didn't like getting weighed much and wouldn't get on the scales but mum lifted me up so that was ok. I was 28 kilos which must mean I am all muscle because I don't look that big. The nice vet lady was ok until she poked my back - how that stops me getting lost I don't know. Saw lots of little dogs and 2 proper sized dogs. The little ones were quite funny, mostly jack russells and spaniels but some funny things in boxes were chihuahuas (mum said they were the noisiest). Met a grumpy male greyhound but he seemed to quite like me luckily because mum insisted on saying hello. Apparently I am going back sometime to have an operation - I hope they taste nice. I am a nice surprise because I don't hop out of the car when the back door is opened. Well I had got comfy. Well lots of sleeping to do now.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Why are some days different?

We got up a bit late today and then later everyone went out. Of course I'd been out a couple of times but how was I to know that I was meant to go. They came back but how was I to know when they would, I just needed to go... I thought I was getting the hang of this as well. Why isn't every day the same?

Thursday, 3 July 2008


Well today we went out in the car to visit a man called a dog trainer but he wasn't going to teach me to race. I was assessed and although he was very nice he thought I needed a bit of work before I joined the class. I could have private lessons but they cost a lot of money so mum is going to have to start on her own. She shows me the treats then waits until I look at her then she gives me a treat. Silly game but I do get treats out of it.
Almost forgot to say that I was very good in the car.

Monday, 30 June 2008

Another new week

Well, I am starting to get quite comfy here now. I don't bother giving mum the bowl now - I just lift the other one that has food underneath it. But apart from that I am getting to be very polite with people food and don't bother looking when it is on the dining table.
Ollie was funny today - there was a really big crisp packet and I just licked the top but he stuck his whole head in just like a cartoon character, wouldn't catch me doing that.
The weekend was a bit strange because one minute we weren't allowed indoors then we weren't allowed out and of course, I was very calm, if a bit disconcerted. At first I had to get up on my hind legs to look out the window just to check everyone was alright. All back to normal today though.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Yippee I've trained mum!

When the food bowl is empty all I have to do is pick it up and she has learned to refill it.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Hot weather

I am not sure I like this hot weather at all. By the end of the walk this morning I was dawdling along with Ollie who is an old boy.
On Saturday I had my first play with Muffy - we ran around the bedroom late at night, but then the next day she didn't want to know at all. Can't make out how these grown up doggies tick.
There is a very attractive looking dog who hides in this house - I spot her in the funny shiny window thing but when I look behind she is gone. I'm getting tired of her game so won't look again.
House training ( how do I train a house?) is going ok except when I go out but forget to do anything much when I am out there.
I'm getting good at not trying to share people food.
I am very brave with the brambles now and I love to sit in the garden when mum is gardening.
Later this week I am going to get my id chip so I will get to see the vet place. Will that be fun I wonder?
love Millie

Thursday, 19 June 2008

People are funny..

I think that mum must have seen a really big rabbit one day because she follows the same route every day just to see if she can find it again. I keep trying to show her the other rabbits but no she just carries on regardless. It must have been the bestest rabbit ever. Well we turned the corner in the woods and I saw a rabbit only feet away so I gave it my best and launched myself at full speed hoping she would catch on but she just stood stock still and held onto my lead. Then she muttered something about it being lucky that she went to the gym and her arm nearly being pulled out of its socket. And as for the others, you'd imagine that they thought they couldn't catch that rabbit, the way they just look but make very little effort to chase. If it hadn't been for that lead thing I would have got it easy....
Well I have some serious resting to do now so speak to you again soon.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

In my new garden

Another new day

Me and Muffy, I don't like those stinging nettles. Me and Ollie exploring together.

Well today is a new day and it started differently. Firstly, mum was pleased that I saved myself to go in the garden instead of using the bedroom. Secondly, a grandma person came round and looked after me. I told her not to worry but she got a bit worried with Muffy for bossing me around . She is just getting used to me and apparently she is noisy when she tells me off ( why she needs to tell me off I don't know but I seem to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time!).

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

walks followed by a well earned rest

Rabbits everywhere! I have to walk along so slowly on my lead but there are all these rabbits that need chasing. I keep trying to tell mum about them by pulling in the right direction but does she listen? I don't know if the others are a bit short sighted because they must be able to see the rabbits but just carry on normally. We go walking about midday although mum says it is 8.30 and quite early really. She really is quite forgetful, I see my new sister Muffy and new brother Ollie reminding her every time she moves but she doesn't seem to notice. We haven't seen many dogs yet but Ollie does get a bit grumpy when he sees them because he met some nasty little dogs who upset him a few years ago. When I get a bit more settled we are going to look for some new places like the park which Muffy says is fun. She poked fun at me because she is allowed off lead at the park because there are no rabbits or deer there. I have to stay on lead because I don't have any recall (where would I find that then? Maybe I'll get some as a Christmas present). Ollie is like 200 years old or something so he doesn't go to the park at all these days.

Getting settled in my new home

Hello again,
I have just got so much news at the moment. It is lovely here, but between you and me, they are a bit mean because I never get the comfy bed or the sofa..... something to do with 2 of the new people being smaller than average (kids I think they are called) . Well, seems like they are good enough at fussing, so that is the important thing.
First night was fairly easy, everyone went to bed , lights out and went to sleep. I would like a bit more choice on the bed front but Muffy the lurcher girl seems to think that she has first choice and I don't want to be impolite, do I ? Ollie, however, is a greyhound boy and of course knows his place at the bottom of the pecking order (talking of which, can you believe they have chicken things here running outside). I just don't seem to catch what Muffy says sometimes, sghe is a real grump and how am I meant to know what she is grumpy about. I just go with the flow and do a play bow and that really throws her. She'll learn soon enough, I suppose.
Stairs - well, I thought I had stairs all sewn up but no, these ones are all wooden and slippy which made me feel a bit silly really! I can do them now though and come and go as I please.
On to one of my favourite subjects- food. Can you believe that I am not allowed some food particularly on the table or in someone's hand even if I do a really good jump to reach it. There is a lot of this dry crunchy stuff though and I sample it a few times a day but it never seems to run out so I keep going back for just a little bit but it is such hard work that I don't eat too much and get full up.
Sleep is another favourite and I get lots of it. There is a lovely little bed in the conservatory which is so warm but I can't stay there too long. So reluctantly I have to play what my new mum calls 'musical beds'. We all move around a bit for a bit of a change. Don't tell dad, but mum got another bed today when she was getting some food for those chickens. Why keep silly chickens when you can keep us dogs is what I say.
Well got to go now. So many new things happening. I'll add a bit more later. Also I think mum should get a few more photos, don't you?

Thanks to East Riding RGT

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Jay and David who brought me down all the way from Hull, although I don't believe it was that far because I only dozed off a couple of times, made a few comfort stops and we were there. Thanks guys. I would have loved to stay close to home but no-one there was the right home for me. I think it is that 'deaf' word again.

My new home down South

my name is Millie. I am 2 years old and I have just moved from Hull to Surrey. It has been a fun but confusing time for me recently. I used to live in greyhound racing kennels but I wasn't good enough at running. Somehow all those other doggies used to know that the hare was coming, don't know how they did it. Must be something to do with the fact that I am 'deaf', whatever that means.